KU Core Assessment
There are two Separate assessment processes for KU Core both of which are on a six-year review cycle
KU Core course review consists of two parts: Recertification and Assessment. Both processes are briefly summarized below:
Part 1: Recertification is a self-report by the department or program offering the course certifying that the course complies with the required criteria of the KU Core Goal and Learning Outcome for which it has been approved.
Part 2: Assessment (for all goals other than 3S, 3N, and 3H) is a self-report by the department or program offering the course of measured student achievement of the learning outcome. The report describes how course assessment items align to dimensions of the learning outcome, a report of the measurements taken on those items across a representative sample of students, a descriptive analysis of the data, and finally, a description of changes those data suggest in order to improve student achievement of the learning outcome.
There are six educational goals identified in the KU Core with eleven student learning outcomes. Each semester, student learning artifacts (an object created by students during the course of instruction; a completed assignment) from courses in the KU Core are identified and collected into a repository. Annually, the University Student Learning Assessment Committee scores a random sampling of anonymized student learning artifacts with their focus at the institutional level rather than individual courses or departments. Appropriate AAC&U VALUE rubrics are utilized as a foundation for their scoring.